Monday, February 14, 2011

Fever of Cricket

World cup is going to start and each and every person has a lot of expectations from Sachin Tendulkar and Indian team and all the people are takng them like GOd . They have forgotton that they are also human being. But at this time media is making so many hyperbole . This time all the team members have not even a single demerit according to media and they are running after them . Searching for each and every news related to them , All the international team are full of confidence always but media people are changing that into over confidence . Cricket also starts thinking themselves like a perfect people and stop improving there weal points and start taking everything lightly but just after one loss of a match all the weak points come into the team members which even they did not suppose to have . These points are pointed out by those people who just some days ago were there worshipper and taking them as a God . And they demoralised them give them a lots of headeche and media people start breaking their confidence instaed of supporting them and reminding them their strong point instead of telling them that they can also do the miracles and they also have capacity to win the cup .

But like our Indian tendency we support the person who is about to reach on the top and push back that person who is trying to get into the top having talents but have not proven himself. We do not support the needy people ,we always support the people who do not need .

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